We Can’t Fight Satan By Ourselves

When Lucifer was banished from heaven he took a whole lot of angels with him – demons if you will. God has given Satan freedom over this planet and we can’t fight them all without God. Isn’t it hard to give up sins? It sure is for me. That’s because we take our eyes off […]

You Can’t Hide

From yourself. Remember how, once Adam and Eve had sinned and realized they were naked, how they tried to hide from God? Until then, He wasn’t concerned about following them. But then, He asked them, “Where are you?” They realized they needed to be honest. Yes, we can hide from God, but we will be […]

What Is Your Skill?

Many a young person tosses it around in the mind whether to go to college or learn a vocation through work. Not everyone is meant for academics. There are brilliant workers skilled in mechanics, electronics or the arts. Some even question how valuable a college degree is these days. In many ways it’s just brain-washing […]

Who Do You Follow?

Not on Instagram or Twitter, but who do you listen to, whose opinions about life matter to you? It’s probably someone you trust based on consistent verifiable behavior. We may even serve under them as a military person, an employee or a volunteer. Now it’s time for us to become trustworthy. First to God, next […]


This word is one of the most inspiring of all words. In the first book of the Bible, Genesis, God is given five names before the chapter is half over: God (1:1), Lord God (2:4), The Everlasting God (21:33), The Lord, the God of Heaven (24:7) and The Lord, the God of Abraham (24:27). He […]

To Focus or Compromise?

New Year’s Resolutions often only last a few weeks. We lose focus. But why? They seemed to be the right goals just awhile back. We can’t seem to see the purpose of reaching the finish line any longer. Maybe we’re trying to be too perfect. We start to compromise on the tough choices we have […]

World Culture – Why Does God Allow It?

Every day there is some new horrible event or trend that appears somewhere in the world. Why does God allow it? Why doesn’t He just clean it up? Well, it’s because the “world culture” is man-created (and He gave man free choice, right?) God won’t even try to compete with the clutter of garbage in […]

Heaven or Hell?

Umm, I choose heaven. How does that work, though, because I’m a sinner not worthy of His glory? God created everything that lives and natural thing that doesn’t live. He saved something very special for us, however – eternal life. Then, why do our bodies die? God gave Adam and Eve (basically us!) freedom of […]


You know how one team can get blown away in the first half of a game and then they come out after halftime and actually win the game? Life can be like that. In football, the various coaches take their “inner teams” (offensive linemen, receivers, special teams, defensive linebackers, etc.) and coach them on mistakes […]

To Have The Mind of Christ

What does it mean to have the mind of Christ. How is that even possible? Well, it’s not, but we can make progress in that direction. To have His mind would mean we have achieved perfection – and, of course, we know that is impossible. What it really means is to want to become the […]