Uncertain about uncertainty?

Aren’t we all – so how do we lessen that a bit? Left unchecked, the stress caused by uncertainty can lead to anxiety or other phobias that can feel like a loss of control over our lives. The first step is to be honest with ourselves and identify what is bothering us. Then we can figure out how to proceed. Options available to us are various therapies, such as yoga, prayer,and discussion with professionals. Come up with three scenarios and think clearly about each as you compare them with reality: worst-case, middle-of-the-road and best-case and assign a value to each. Then use the reasoning ability we all have and develop a plan to tackle what lies ahead. Maybe start with the middle-of-the-road scenario. As you develop your plan to tackle this level of uncertainty, I think we will be amazed at how resourceful we were and how things rarely turn out as bad as we originally imagine. Then we can thrive again!