Vision is more than just seeing…

Helen Keller once said that even worse than being blind would be having sight but no vision. No vision of where we are going with our life. My wife is 90% blind, so we know about its impact on one’s life. But she has a vision – one that includes all her friends and family, and also our world. We all need hope and a future that includes love and service to mankind. In this time of global pandemic, let’s not forget to care for those who need a little help. Remember what the Good Samaritan did along the road when he came across a person from another culture that was not generally loved? The injured Hebrew had been beaten and robbed. The Samaritan transported him to an inn and made sure he was alert and cared for. That took the rest of the day. Then he gave a week’s worth of his wages to the innkeeper to feed and care for him for another few days. The Samaritan’s vision gave the Hebrew a future with hope.