Is Heaven For Only The Perfect?

Let me introduce you to Rahab. Rahab was a prostitute in Jericho, a town located between the Jordan River to the east and Jerusalem to the west. It was right in the path of Israel’s westward move into Canaan and the promised land. Yet God chose her to be his instrument to safeguard two spies that Joshua sent as they entered the town to spy on the fortifications Israel would face as they sought to destroy everyone in Jericho. The King heard about the spies entering the town and that they had gone to Rahab’s home and send word to Rahab to bring them out. But she had hid the spies among stacks of flax on the roof and told the King that they had left back out of the city when it became dark and to hurry because they might catch them. Later, she let the spies down over the wall and they returned across the Jordan to their encampment. In return, the spies promised to safeguard her and her family when the men of Israel entered Jericho to destroy it. She only needed to place a scarlet cloth in the window and they would be spared. In itself, that is quite a story – but that’s not all. God chose Rahab to be a part of the genealogy of Jesus. She was the wife of King David’s great, great, great grandfather, Salmon and is one of only four of the women in Jesus’ lineage to be called out by name in honor in God’s word. So do you think you are unworthy of His Kingdom? Not if you turn control of your life over to God and stop trying to be the leader of your own kingdom.