I struggle with….

….being controlled by feelings. Our mind seems like it’s split into two parts…the part that thinks clearly and logically and the other part that reacts to emotions. These two parts then go through a funnel – down to your will….and that’s where I get into trouble. Acting on emotion instead of logic. So I’m learning […]

Who should be in control of your kids?

Our daughter is an amazing woman – very successful and very popular. When she was a young teenager we thought she was venturing off to places we didn’t like. We didn’t like her friends. So we applied maximum pressure for her to find better, more wholesome friends. We even suggested certain young people for her […]

Second Chances

Can you remember most of the second chances you’ve had in your life? I can! In some of them I was heading for a disaster and was confused about why it was happening and what to do about it. It seems like the more I tried the further down the rabbit hole I was heading. […]

So how can we be a better friend?

It seems logical that in order to have more friends we must be a better friend. But how do we do that? In the reading I’ve done a good start would be to greet them with a smile! Be relaxed and be yourself. Try to get them talking about themselves rather than listening to you […]

Hello world!

My goal is to become a better person – by changing my thought patterns and in so doing change my actions for the better. I hope to learn from those of you who take the time to read my books and my blog and to share your wisdom. Our collective wisdom in that way is […]