A Revamped You

Have you seen the TV show where one of the spouses embarks on a journey to remake themselves physically? Lose or gain weight, better skin care and hairstyle….better fashion styles for the person they have now become? It’s pretty amazing – and so are the responses of the other spouse. We sometimes find ourselves at the same point with our spiritual side. Too often we let outside irritations – people, events, or disagreements upset us on our path. Someone you might least expect could offend you in some way or become angry with you. We need to asses in those times where the fault lies. Was it their fault – or mine? Do I need a new me? Did someone else create fear in me? We definitely need to assess that. We cannot live in fear. After assessing what happened, decide if this other person is a friend or an enemy and act accordingly. Leave the enemy to their own devices. Life is too short. But if you find yourself at the place of realizing a revamp of your emotional and spiritual side is in order, then be committed to that. Those around you will be amazed at your transformation – and so will you.