When South Africa faced apartheid many just shrugged their shoulders as if to say, “Well, what can I do?” Not Nelson Mandela. He knew he was the one God was calling on to stand against it and spent twenty-seven years in prison as a result. When Nazis were exterminating Jews during WWII, Cory ten Boom and her family helped hide over 800 people in their home and neighborhood until a Dutch informant squealed on them. Thirty-five people, including Cory, were imprisoned. Her father and sister died in captivity but, strangely, Cory was released about two weeks after her sister died and she told her story in the ensuing decades. When we’re up against insurmountable odds, God will step in. These two heroes’ courage was increased twofold by God. They were His instruments. The next time you face a mountain of opposition, be a part of the solution through courage imparted in you for such a time.