Every time I hear this song by The Chambers Brothers my whole body starts to dance – even sitting down. It was released in 1968 during the first year of our marriage (now 55 years strong) and during the toughest year in post-war America. Martin Luther King was assassinated in April and Bobby Kennedy in June., his brother five years earlier during my first year in college. After our marriage, when I got home from work I would give our new daughter her evening bottle while watching the Vietnam War on TV and wondering what kind of world she would grow up in. She is in her 50’s now and we know what the world is like. “My love has blown away…My tears have come and gone…Oh, Lord I got to run…I got no home…No, I have no home” These words from the second verse, and written 55 years ago, are still poignant today. “I’ve been loved, pushed aside…I’ve been crushed by tumbling tide…and my soul has been psychedelicized.” War just never seems to end. The end times are closer. “Now the time has come…There are things to realize…Time has come today…Time has come today.”